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Data Specifications & Extracts

Learn more about our data specs, extract capabilities, and other resources for district and site tech departments.

Illuminate DnA Core Data Specs

These files are required for the proper functioning of DnA and DnA + eduCLIMBER combination products.

Illuminate DnA Optional Data Specs

These optional files allow for additional functionality in either DnA or DnA + eduCLIMBER products, and can be loaded at any time during your implementation.

eduCLIMBER Core Data Specs

These files are required for the proper functioning of eduCLIMBER (standalone, without DnA).

Sample QTI Package

IMS Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) is a standard way to package tests, quizzes, and assessments in a way that can be imported into learning applications.

Locked Browser

A custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Illuminate Online Testing.

Aeries Extract Tool

Enables districts the ability to quickly extract required IlluminateEd datasets and then transfer.

User Authentication
