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How to Make an Implementation Sticky

Written by
June 27th, 2018

Presented by Annie Stefano – Transcription Below


Hi. Welcome to the “Illuminate Whiteboard Series.” My name is Annie Stefano and I am a customer success manager for the Implementation Team. Today, we’re gonna be talking about how to make implementations of any kind sticky.

Find Your Bogo

So let’s take a look at the first one: Find your BOGO. We’ve all heard this. It’s your buy one, get one. You have a lot of vendors, a lot of products and a lot of tools happening within your organization. So before you purchase the next cool thing you see for what you need to do, take an audit of what you currently have and use it as a dual purpose moment. If it’s working for you in one area, maybe it has tools and features to help you on another, therefore, you’ve using it as a supplement and not something new.

Go Slow to Go Fast!

Number 2, go slow to go fast. Don’t be afraid to break training or implementation of any kind into smaller chunks, because you know your audience, you know what direction you want to utilize the tools or the products that you’re using, and so by breaking it into smaller chunks, you’re able to actually have your users or your teachers retain the information and the tool even higher than before. You can also determine your audience or the scope of the training so that let’s say if it’s something primary-based, you can focus your K, 1, 2 teachers and educators in a small training and then your secondary teachers in another. Keeping the conversation in the room more meaningful and more relatable to whatever you’re implementing.

Time is Precious

Also, time is precious, so don’t take it away. One of the biggest concerns among teachers and educators today is they don’t have enough time to do it all. So don’t start taking time out of the classroom, but rather, thinking of time more thoughtfully. Using the time in chunks, PLCs, staff meetings, even if it’s 10-minute tips and tricks to whatever you need to show them to help them in their day, in their instructional day, will make a big difference as opposed to taking it out of the classroom from their students.

Feed the Teachers

And lastly, feed the teachers. Super important. It’s really funny, right? As kids, we are just big kids, as adults. As teachers, we are lifelong learners, so why not treat us like students? Make it engaging. Make it fun. Use tools to help you with the trainings and your implementations that they can then in turn take back to their classroom and back to their students and use for their own instructional purposes. And you’d be amazed how much of a difference, music on the way in, music while they’re actually conducting the skill or learning the product, and even music on the way out can change their perspective of what they just did for the last hour or even two hours, if that is what is happening. And lastly, PD or good professional development with candy or snacks is always a win. So letting them have something sweet and to munch on and enjoy always makes a big difference.

So thanks for joining us today. We appreciate your time and we look forward to seeing you at the next “Illuminate Whiteboard Series.”

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