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We've created this downloads page as a resource for district and site tech departments. You'll be able to find the current version of the Aeries Extract Tool. If you are not a district or site tech, please talk with someone at your district or site before using this tool.

Current Version

The current version of the Aeries Extract Tool is

Courtesy tool enables districts the ability to quickly extract required IlluminateEd datasets and then transfer.


  • Download the current version of the Aeries Extract Tool (Zipped Files) from above - Please note: Most users install files on the Aeries Server Machine, but it is not required. Additionally, if district uses the Stand Alone Version of Aeries, the extract files must be setup on a 32-bit machine. If a 32-bit machine is not available, users have to create their own virtual-machine version.
  • Extract zipped files
  • Keep all file contents in extracted folder

File Contents

  • AeriesExtract.exe – File will be used to execute the tool
  • AeriesExtract.exe.config – File will be used to custom configure to your specific school sites
  • AeriesExtract.pdb – Please do not open or modify
  • DiffieHellman.dll – Please do not open or modify
  • Org.Mentallis.Security.dll – Please do not open or modify
  • Tamir.SharpSSH.dll – Please do not open or modify


This file needs to be altered to your districts specifications. File can be edited with any text editor (WordPad, NotePad, etc). Listed below are lines that must be modified:

Important Note: You can edit your config and optionally exclude any files that you do not wish to extract and transfer. Do not disable the terms.txt file. Without the terms.txt file your mastschd.txt file will not work.

<add key="AeriesType" value="AeriesCS" >
Specifies the version of Aeries and is defaulted to the Aeries Client Server Version. If using the Standard Aeries Version, then please change AeriesCS to Aeries.

<add key="AeriesSchoolCodes" value="600,991,994,993" />
Specifies the Aeries School Codes. Please replace defaulted values with correct school codes. Please note: School Codes must be separated by a comma (,).

<add key="AeriesSchoolYear" value="2020" />
Specifies the Academic School Year. The default value is 2020, which represents the 2020-2021 School Year. Please change value to the current academic year. (Please note: This tool can only process data one academic year at-a-time, so if providing more than one year of data, this value will need to change.

<add key="SaveLocation" value="C:\illuminate\" />
Specifies the path for storage of the required IlluminateEd files. Once files are stored at the location, they will be available for transfer via SFTP

<add key="SchoolStartDate" value="2020-09-01" />
Used to determine if we are before the actual start of school (schedules). Format: YYYY-MM-DD (ex. 2020-09-01 = September 1, 2020)
<add key="AeriesCSDatabase" value="DST20000AeriesDemo" />

<add key="FreeReducedTable" value=" " />
Specify the table you would like to use to pull Free/Reduced data. If invalid or not specified, the tables are checked in this order FRE, FRM, FAR. Valid values are FRE, FRM, FAR.

<add key="SFTP-Enabled" value="False" />
<add key="SFTP-Host" value="" />
<add key="SFTP-UserName" value="" />
<add key="SFTP-Password" value="" />

Specifies the SFTP account credentials provided by IlluminateEd. Files stored on the "Save Location" will be transferred to the root folder of assigned SFTP account. (Please note: Each time tool is executed, files will always be overwritten.)

  • "Enabled" settings are defaulted to "False", be sure to change to "True"
  • Username and Password is provided in your initial Data Introduction Request email. If unable to locate, please contact

(Please ignore, if district utilizes the Aeries Client Server Version)
<add key="AeriesDataPath" value="D:\eagle\" />
<add key="AeriesSecurityFile" value="d:\eagle\SYSTEMxp.mdw" />
<add key="AeriesUser" value="administrator" />
<add key="AeriesPassword" value="administrator" />

Specifies the information for Stand Alone (Access Database) version.

  • Replace default data path. (Please note: District and School files must appear in the same folder location.)
  • Replace default Security File
  • Replace default Aeries User (Please note: User account show have at least read-only access to all Aeries tables)
  • Replace default Password to correct above user account’s password

(Please ignore, if district utilizes the Aeries Stand Alone Version)
<add key="AeriesCSServer" value="SQL_SERVER" />
<add key="AeriesCSDatabase" value="DST20000AeriesDemo" />
<add key="AeriesCSUser" value="USER" />
<add key="AeriesCSPassword" value="PASSWORD" />

Specifies the information for Client Server (SQL Database) Version.

  • Replace default CS Server. (Please note: Most times the value is the IP Address of the SQL Server or Server Name.)
  • Replace default CS Database. (Please note: Be sure to select the current years database. As mentioned in the "AeriesSchoolYear" section, This tool can only process data one academic year at-a-time, so if providing more than one year of data, this value will need to change. Be sure that the Academic School Year and CS Database always match.)
  • Replace default Aeries User to correct / active username (Please note: User account should have at least read-only access to all Aeries tables)
  • Replace default Password to correct above user account’s password


As mentioned earlier, the Aeries Extract Tool produces the required IlluminateEd dataset and allows the ability to send files to your assigned SFTP account. Once the tool is installed and the config file is setup properly, you are ready to automatically run the AeriesExtract.exe file with Windows Task Scheduler.


Once you are ready to rollover to the current academic year, only the following lines need to be modified.

<add key="AeriesSchoolYear" value="2020" />

<add key="SchoolStartDate" value="2020-09-01" />
<add key=“AeriesCSDatabase” value=“DST20000AeriesDemo” />

(Please ignore, if district utilizes the Aeries Client Server Version)
<add key="AeriesDataPath" value="D:\eagle\" />
<add key="AeriesSecurityFile" value="d:\eagle\SYSTEMxp.mdw" />


(Please ignore, if district utilizes the Aeries Stand Alone Version)
<add key="AeriesCSServer" value="SQL_SERVER" />
<add key="AeriesCSDatabase" value="DST20000AeriesDemo" />
<add key="AeriesCSUser" value="USER" />
<add key="AeriesCSPassword" value="PASSWORD" />


Please refer to the Rollover page for further instructions.