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Illuminator of the Year Awards

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The Illuminator of the Year Program was created to recognize hard-working educators and administrators who are illuminating in their communities and exemplify our mission to promote student and educator success.

We’re proud to announce the finalists and winners for Illuminate Educator of the Year and Illuminate Administrator of the Year!

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2018 Educator of the Year Award Winner

Lindsay Murray

Lindsay Murray

Lindsay Murray
Data Analyst,
Teacher on Assignment
Madison School District

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The Madison School District Research and Evaluation department has a saying that tools should be “useful, usable, and used.” Hear how Illuminate addresses all three with the leadership and support of Lindsay and the rest of the Madison team. Now, teachers are more comfortable talking about data with one another, as well as with students and parents.

Educator of the Year Finalists


Dayna Dibble
Teacher on Special Assignment
West Contra Costa Unified School District

Pinole Valley High School improved by 5% in their English/Language Arts and Math state assessments. See how their school-wide goal to raise reading levels resulted in better use of the tools to measure student progress and access meaningful data.


Foster Leaf
Math Strategist
Isaac School District

One of the initiatives at Isaac Elementary School District during the 2017-18 school year involved revising all curriculum maps. See how teachers transformed their instruction as they focused on assessments, instruction, and utilizing backwards design.

2018 Administrator of the Year Award Winner

Melissa Langlois

Melissa Langlois

Melissa Langlois
Instructional Supervisor
Ascension Public Schools

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Ascension Public School knows that it’s not enough to just be data-rich. Since self-assessment is a critical piece in their student’s learning progression, the leadership realized that the data needs to be accessible. See why the teachers in Ascension are “fired-up” when it comes to data.

Administrator of the Year Finalists


Gregory Belnap
Illuminate Development, Implementation, and Application Lead
San Francisco Unified School District

Watch San Francisco Unified School District supporting stakeholders in their efforts to continuously improve student outcomes. The creation of an intra-district website has allowed district and school staff convenient access to resources, assessments, and reports to inform data-driven planning, instruction, and support.

Allison Jordan
Director of Testing, Research, and Evaluation
Newton County Schools

Newton County Schools has moved from time-consuming tasks to a more efficient and effective process for accessing and analyzing their data. Teachers now have access to the data they need, when they need it. As a result, teachers are using the data to make informed instructional decisions immediately.